Wednesday, August 13, 2014

8/9/14 Fist day home update

Came home late yesterday. Everyday is a little bit better but this is not for the weary. I did not have the same experience Lisa Watts and Tisha Frasier Peterson did due to the morphine. I had a hard time staying a wake and I had bad nausea, this caused me not to walk as much as they did. They almost did not allow me to come home yesterday, but they ended up letting me decide. I am happy to be home and adjusting to the soreness. 
This is breakfast. Our stomach only holds the amount of the little green cup, so the rest of the protein shake goes in the blue thing to stay cold. Water feels very heavy so the doctor said to add flavoring and it will go down better because the stomach thinks it is food. The medications are for pain and nausea. I also will be taking vitamins. So happy to be home! When I wake up for a brief moment I forget it happened and then thank god the hard part is over. It is all down hill from here.

Lunch of champions! Cream of Potato soup (blended well) in the green 2oz container. B-12 & Calcium Citrate w/apple sauce is the pink stuff. Sipping on G2 and protein shake all day. Doc wants me to get 2 in a day, but my sleeve is proving to be kind of choosey because it only likes things ice cold or warm. I am sleeping most of the time ( cuz of the nausea and pain meds) so this makes it hard to get the protein and water in too. I got this! I is a work in progress.

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