Wednesday, August 13, 2014

8/8/14 Home Sweet Home

Tisha's Update on FB:
I'm home....not comfortable yet...but there's no place like home! My fingers are crossed that Laura Hs be able to go home soon too! Lots of love lady...and thank you for taking this journey with me!

Laura's Update on FB:
I want to say thank you all for your love, prayers, thoughts, and support. I am blessed to have you all! I also would like to thank my friend, Tisha Frasier Peterson for doing this with me. I could not have had a better side kick and friend. I love you and thank you! If you can I highly recommend doing this with a friend. It makes the process soooooo much better. We were also blessed to have such a great guinea pig, Lisa Watts to be our mentor and support. Thank you all!

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