Wednesday, August 13, 2014

8/11/14 Day 5 in the life of sleeve

Day in the life of my sleeve: Day 5
Getting around slowly, but feeling pretty good. The only problem I am having is getting out of bed. It hurts on the bottom left side of my stomach and feels like it is pulling. Needless to say I am not the biggest fan of going to bed right now. 
I am still working on drinking 2 protein shakes a day and getting in 64 oz of water. My entire life evolves around simple things like eating, drinking, sleeping, and walking. 
I am also doing some sewing projects for fun. Brittni and B are coming over to keep me company today :0) I plan on going to a walking today and bringing paperwork by the office this afternoon.

In the weight loss community they tell you welcome to the loser's bench after surgery. I did not find a bench but a comfortable seat by a lake saved just forTisha Frasier Peterson and I. Lisa Watts will be bringing the protein shake to share and a bench for anyone who wants to join us.

My incisions about day 5. I have 5 incision sites (one below bra is kind of hidden in the picture). The one with the bruise is where they did most of the work removing stomach and fixing the hernia. It has internal and external stitching. 

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