Wednesday, August 13, 2014

8/7/14 Recovery and leaving the hospital

The doctor reported both Tisha and I did well in surgery. We both had hernia's removed as well as the vertical gastric sleeve. Tisha was amazing after surgery. She was up walking in no time and visiting me in my room and tried to get me up to walk. We were blessed with an angel that night, Tessa who stayed with us and took care of us. Well they took care of me anyway :) I do not do so well with pain pills and the morphine knocked my butt and made me so sick to my stomach. Tisha said after surgery she woke up in more pain then she had ever felt in her life. She and Tessa were worried about how I would do, so they hit the morphine button every 6 minutes for me and told my daughter to do the same (even when I was sleeping). My daughter went to ask the CNA how I was going to get enough pain meds while she was gone at lunch if she wasn't there to push the button every 6 minutes. His eyes got really big and he explained the patient is on a continuous stream of morphine and that is just for extra if needed. They like the patient to be the one to do it. Needless to say she felt very bad. By the second day the doctor took the morphine away and I was doing much better by that evening. 

My Daughter and I before being wheeled in for surgery 

This was not too long after surgery and I was still pretty out of it, as you can see. Beckham reached to lay with me in bed and snuggled his head on my cheek. He is such a sweet boy!

They almost did not let me leave the hospital due to ongoing nausea. Finally they told me it was my decision and I was happy to be out the door. 

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