Wednesday, August 13, 2014

8/13/14 Day 7 with Louise!

Day 7 in my sleeve. I woke up this morning to another 2.2 loss making my total since surgery 6.4. I have also been experiencing no pain when getting out of bed. I tried no medication today and did well until the afternoon. Over all I am finding it easier to get around, but I do get tired easily. I am also finding it easier to eat and I am feeling hunger. I have to be mindful to slow down when I eat and to take small bites. I get a since of pressure in my chest when my sleeve has had enough. I also am working on the 30, 20, 30 rule (do not drink 30 minutes prior to a meal, take 20 min to eat, and wait to drink for 30 minutes). This is a hard one, but very important.

Today Brit, Beckham, and I went to a local second hand toy shop to look around. It was just enough time to get out of the house and then I was ready for a nap. Brit and Beckham stayed with me last night because Alan was working out of town it has been nice getting to spend so much time with them. He is getting so big and I just love watching him grow.

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