Tuesday, August 19, 2014

10 Things I Will Not Miss about Being Heavy

10 Things I will not miss about being heavy:

1. Finding something to wear in the morning. Everything fits tight and does not lay well. I will love to pick things out and they just feel more comfortable.

2. Chairs! Need I say more? Especially, chairs with arms :)

3. Seats placed next to each other such as for events, on a bus, plane or a booth at a restaurant. I always felt like I was taking to much space and irritating others.

4. Feeling less then in social or work situations. I have been by passed for jobs in the past due to my weight. People treat you differently after you lose weight. They are more confident in your abilities and request you to have more responsibilities. Like your a better employee because you are now taking care of yourself.

5. Walking down a hall and having people turn sideways when they pass you.

6. Being the biggest one in a room.

7. No longer sitting on the sidelines and watching everyone else have fun because I am to big to do the activity.

8. Dancing! Without getting a stress fracture, hurt legs, or sick.

9. Living Life! Being afraid of doing something because I do not have energy or breath to do it. I get out of breath easily when I ride my bike but I love it. I can not wait to ride long rides again. Having the opportunity to para sail, river raft, hike and camp overnight somewhere remote. Water activities without being embarrassed to be in a bathing suit.

10. Having more energy!

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