Saturday, June 21, 2014

We are never to old to dream a new dream!

You maybe thinking Tisha and I have lost our minds.... Gastric Sleeve surgery really?! 
To be completely honest when our friend, Lisa came to me and said she was getting bariatric surgery. I cried because I did not want her to have complications, go through all of the stress from the surgery, to just gain the weight back. Lisa explained that there was a new procedure out now called the Vertical Gastric Sleeve and I went home thinking I would watch her progress to see how things went. A few months later I kept thinking about it, so I started researching it and found out she found something good! Tisha and I started talking and then decided we would do it together. Lisa became our guinea pig and has proven to be fantastic at it! Lisa had her surgery April 17, 2014 and is down almost 45 pounds to date.

In this blog we will talk about what we are learning, our experiences, frustrations, and accomplishments.

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