Monday, June 23, 2014

Just Follow the Yellow Brick Road to Surgery

Things to do Prior to Surgery Being Scheduled 
  • Bariatric Seminar (online)
  • 2 education classes at the Bariatric Center 
  • Psychological Evaluation
  • Consultation with a Nutritionist 
  • Cardiac Clearance (Laura)
  • Pulmonary Clearance (Tisha)
  • Letter of recommendation from your Primary Care Physician.
  • Endoscopy (Laura)
  • Quit smoking 4 weeks prior to surgeon pre-op apt
  • Stop drinking soda and caffeine 
  • 6 month Doctor supervised diet
  • 2 appointments with the Surgeon (initial and 2 weeks prior to surgery)
  • Educate yourself about what to expect (classes, books, online support groups, blogs, youtube, etc)

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